The Balloon Live App

The application is the official FAI Balloon Live competition logger app.
The app is used in hot air balloon competition and has the following features:
- 2 app modes: training and competition
- Flight recording with Start/Stop functionality
- up to 18 different electronic marker drops
- up to 18 goal declaration slots
- recording in IGC-file format
- export as IGC-file
- Automatic flight resume on app restart (after force close)
- Connection to external Balloon Live Sensor box
In competition mode:
- List of watchmefly events with user login
- Synchronisation of competition settings and flight data with
- Live tracks to
Note: Due to technical changes, the Android-app had to be created as a new, separate app in the Play Store. To allow a simple switch to the new app, the pricing of the new app has been reduced to approx 0,1€ until end of June. Please delete the old app and install the new one from the Play Store.
iOS Screenshots

Android screenshots is the main Balloon Live website for managing competitions and tracks. All recorded tracks in the Balloon Live app are stored on With this, can offer:

Pilot dashboard
Login as a pilot and have an overview of your past and upcoming competitions. Find your personal token/code to register your Balloon Live app to a competition and download all your recorded tracks directly on your personal profile page.

Competition management
Competition officials can manage competition details, pilot list, flight and task settings, official noticeboard, measuring reports and download all recorded tracks immediately after landing. has a lot more to offer.
For pilots:
- Create pilot account with your own profile
- View competition flight and task information
- Manage your own flights and logger tracks
- Upload and share your flight details
For competition officials:
- Show your event in the calendar of all events
- Publish your information and documents on an electronic noticeboard
- Publish a pilot list with link to their personal profile
- Create flights and tasks
- Manage the configuration of the Balloon Live app
- Use the online measuring report to publish results in realtime
- Manage measuring officials access
- Give scorers access to download the tracks
Feature tour
Watch a demonstration of all the new features that have been released on WatchMeFly, including Competitions, the Competition Center, the Measure Tool and the FAI Balloon Live app.